Moving Out Of California
Current trends identify that people are leaving the state of California at a rapid pace. In fact, in 2019, 653,000 Californians decided to find a new home in a new state.
By contrast, the California dream only managed to lure in around 480,000 people as new residents of the Golden State. With 653,000 people leaving California for another state, the state was in the negative as far as net population change.
In 2019, the California exodus was the most among all other United States. Only the numbers for Texas, Florida, and New York came close.
The reasons are numerous but one clear cut reason is affordability combined with the quality of life. Affordability has just plummeted over the years. The amount of money that it takes for someone to purchase and maintain a home in California is a much higher expense than all the other nearby states.
The bottom line is people are starting to question whether it makes sense for them to stay in California and the answer for many of these people is an astounding NO.
So then where are all these people going?
Census data shows that many Californians are heading to Texas, Arizona, Washington, Nevada, and Oregon.
Texas – 82,000
Arizona – 59,000
Nevada – 47,000
Washington – 46,000
Oregon – 38,000
Among other reasons people are leaving are the incredibly high taxes. Property taxes and state taxes are at astronomical levels compared to nearby states. Furthermore, the business environment can be described as anti-business.
Said one lifetime California resident
California is not a good place to live or do business with anymore, “I’ve been involved in local government here for 16 years, and I see California as just a basket case.”
He said the high taxes, hostile business climate, and enormous numbers of homeless people have also fueled his decision to move to Nevada.
“I hate to leave,” he said. “It was a place that I’ve lived all my life. I’m a third-generation resident but the politics and taxes here are such that California is the place to move away from.”
“There are no laws that benefit business owners whatsoever”
The move translates to an easier place to do business, no state income taxes, and car registration payments that are 1/10 of what he was paying in California.
As far as the rationale for other Californians to head to places like Texas, Washington, Nevada, Oregon, and Arizona, this person said the one thing they have over California is affordable housing.
“I think that when you look at the cost of housing, that’s got to be the primary reason people are leaving,”
While the California weather is indeed nice it comes at a ridiculous cost. At the very least it makes sense for every Californian to evaluate their financial position if it makes sense for them to stay there.
Relocation Ventures expert staff can give you the tools you need to evaluate your position and make the best decision for you and your family.